Graham's Baptism

It's been a busy, but very good, weekend and week. On Sunday we were privileged to celebrate Graham's baptism. It was so special because both of Graham's grandparents and lots of his aunts and uncles could be there and his Grandpop Cathey got to baptize him.

Sunday was really rainy, but it couldn't damper the meaningful words in the ceremony. Pastor Carter read us our vows and my dad made a beautiful speech and then baptized Graham. Then Pastor Carter walked around holding Graham so the congregation could see him, and he ended it in prayer.

During the afternoon we had lunch and family time at our house. This day was overall so special to me. The spiritual significance of the baptism and the outpouring of love from family and friends for our child meant so much to Behn and I. Lord willing, there will be lots of birthdays and Christmases and Easters, but only one baptism day and it was wonderful.


  1. wish seth and I could have made it! I'm sure it was beautiful!


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