A Very Different School Year part 1: Why we are taking a break from Classical Conversations

 The summer stretches on, and here we are with a new school year approaching. This year is going to look quite different for us. After 4 years of homeschooling through Classical Conversations, we have at least 1 kid (probably 2) going to brick and mortar school in the fall. I'll write about that in a separate post. But even as we choose to continue homeschooling one of our kids, we'll be taking a break from CC.

I love CC. I come from a classical education background, so I jumped in happily 4 years ago with only one cute 5 year old (his older brother was in 1st grade at public school). I liked the memory songs, the emphasis on geography, the hands on science and lovely art projects. Then we moved and found a new but very small CC community. These friends became very dear to us. I tutored (The CC term for taught) the 6 kids in our one class. The next two years the community only grew slightly (more dear friends), even during the madness of covid when many were turning to homeschooling. And so, I was needed to tutor again and again. Even during a pregnancy and newborn year. Unfortunately, after 3 years of being the lead learner, I began to feel burned out....even resentful. To make things worse, our director was moving on to Challenge in another community, and I was *supposed* to take on directing our community. I just... Didn't want to. I was burned out and needed a break and the only way to get it was to simply leave. As it is, no one else wanted to direct either, so our community shut down. 

So the short answer is burnout and community collapse. There are other little quirks that I didn't love but no program is perfect for each family. I will say that we ventured into- And promptly out of-the Essentials program. My kid was so not ready, and to be honest I also don't see the point of kids spouting off things like SV-T-DO or whatever. I did like the writing program (IEW). 

In the future, I'd definitely rejoin a community, if there's one near us. Maybe I just need a year off. I really do like it for the early-mid elementary years. I'll be keeping all of the curriculum. Even now, I'm feeling nostalgic for a parent Practicum. I'm happily recommending it and answering questions from friends who are looking into CC. It can be a really helpful community.

So, like I said, this year ahead is going to be quite different in that most likely a couple of kids will be in school. I'm calling it my Sabbatical, although with 2 kids still at home- one of which I'm homeschooling- it's still going to be a busy year. That's a whole separate post...


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