On The Beginnings of a Diagnosis

 Maybe if you would...

Spank more. Spank less. Take out red food dye. Have you tried gluten free? Go organic. Read this book. Buy a weighted blanket. Apply these oils. Set a routine. Make a sticker chart. Never negotiate. Pick your battles. (I am desperate for a break). He's fine. He's normal. He'll grow out of it. He's so lovely. He's just a boy. He needs to apologize. Make him say sorry. He did this. He did that. (Please, two days of rest would restore me for a bit). He'll be calm if you stay calm. Put him in school. Take him out of school. He needs more structure. He needs more playtime. He'll be fine! (I can't get anything done. The others aren't like this. I cringe when he's in a mood. Every day is a roller coaster. I'm alone in this.) 

It's neurodevelopmental. His brain is different. He was born like this. It's not your fault. We can help. Meds may help. We can be a team. It's not your fault. He can succeed. He processes the world differently. Different is good. It's not your fault. This is how he was designed by a good and loving God. He is a gift. You're not alone. We can help. (Things will get better.)


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