
Today is the first day of Advent for this season. Usually, this time of year overwhelms me because of all the expectations and extra "stuff" going on. This year, I am overwhelmed for many different reasons, and I long for the simplicity and beauty of Advent and Christmas. As we enter December, we are anticipating:

- A move to a new home

-A 5 week winter break from our co-op

-Our oldest son's birthday

-Christmas and holidays

-The birth of our 4th child

The move in itself is a lot. We are moving locally- buying a house on 3 acres only 20 minutes away. Still, we've been (sort of) packing for weeks and nothing is in order anymore. This house feels messy and chaotic, and I long to be in our new home with a Christmas tree lighting up the living room. Once we get there, we will anticipate settling in, eventually making changes and improvements, and making this a very long-term home.

We anticipate the birth of our baby. I'm 34+ weeks now. I'm close enough to the end to be uncomfortable and eager to meet this baby. Since the baby will (hopefully) be born at home, it makes the move and settling in even more important. Still, I cherish the kicks and hiccups, not a moment taken for granted.

And so this year, I'm longing for Christmas. I'm listening carefully to the words of Christmas hymns and looking forward to getting my kids a few simple gifts and thinking about where we can give a little extra to bless this world.


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