Spring 2018

Lately, I've been missing writing. I haven't written on here consistently in a couple of years and I'm rusty. The keyboard feels strange. And I don't have anything to write about, exactly. But the other day I pulled out my journals- the private, handwritten journals I've kept for 10 years now- and remembered why it's so important for me to write. In those books, I saw myself and God. I could tangibly read about all the struggles and victories that God has brought me through. There are thousands of lines of thanksgivings. There are pages detailing anxiety. There is God's good faithfulness through it all. It's the story He's written and so I'm going to try to get my tired hands back here more often.

Before anything deep, I think I just need to update this blog on general well beings...

Our family is well. Happy, loud, full of life. Of course, there's bickering and exhaustion and lack of patience and wisdom. Such is human life. Behn and I are nearing 10 years of marriage.  Graham is 7 and finishing up 1st grade at our local public school. His vocabulary and imagination are really taking off. He's had a great year. His teacher is a Christian and absolutely excellent at her job. However, I am planning on homeschooling next year. I have lots more to say in that regard, so be ready for words about education. Patrick is 5 and has finished his year with Classical Conversations. It was a lot of fun, and we also didn't really sweat it because technically this was preschool and so we mostly just hung around the house. We read books and play, and he's beginning reading as well. We're on Lesson 38/100 in the book How To Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons. He loves it and asks to do "reading lesson" frequently. Samuel is 2 and the hilarious baby of the family. He's talking well and working hard to keep up with the big guys. He's such a fun blessing, and I'm enjoying being past the baby phase with him- bittersweet, of course.

We have some changes coming up that I will share about in good time. For now, we are enjoying the spring and flowers and fresh air and our many blessings.

I feel like I need to publish this before it sits here on this computer forever. So, here goes. Ta ta!

Real life 👆


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