Off The Bookshelf

I have not been reading as much as I'd like to lately. I fill my days with busyness around the house, trying to sneak in some exercise, and running around. But in the evenings, especially at this time of year, it has been nice to make a cup of tea and snuggle up. I've read a few things in the past months, but am eager for a new read.

First off, a classic.

Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

I loved reading this Jane Austen novel. I've seen the movie lots of times, which helped, as there are a lot of characters. I also got the homes/estates confused at times, since they all have names as well. The book had a lot more detail than the film (as books do) and I really enjoyed it. I loved the romance and sisterhood in the book. Now I'm thinking of re-reading Pride and Prejudice since I haven't read it in years.

Book attempt and fail: I tried to read The Lifechanging Magic of Tidying Up. I got about 1/3 into it, but eventually got kind of bored. Behn and I are not hoarders, and though I always think we have too much stuff, I also don't recognize at this point that we need a major purge as the book suggests. Maybe I'm wrong, but for now I did not think the book necessary (denial?).

Next I read:

For The Love by Jen Hatmaker

I read this book just a few weeks before Jen and her husband Brandon became Christian headline news because they believe in homosexual marriage. While I do disagree with their stance in this, I would still read the book. Even before her notorious interview, I disagreed with some of her viewpoints. I think it's wise to read and think through worldviews other than our own. The book was funny, poignant and I found myself nodding along to many of her thoughts on motherhood and laughing at her hilarity.

Finally, I read this aloud to Graham:

Charlotte's Web by E.B. White

Ah, a childhood classic. I read this because I felt convicted in not reading enough out loud to the boys, or reading books that were too childish for him. Took us a month or so, but I think we both enjoyed it. There were times I'm not sure he was paying attention (he was often building with Legos while I read), but I know it's so good for his brain to hear the vocabulary. I personally loved the descriptions of farm life, the smells, the sounds, and the changing seasons.  And yes, I choked up when Charlotte died.

I have a long list of books I want to read. A few are on hold at the library and I have a few on my Christmas list. What have you been reading?


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