Typical Day Right Now

Y'all. I'm still here. Synopsis of my typical day (Mon- Thurs):

6:00..?? Patrick up at o'dark o'clock. Why?? Tell him to lay still and cuddle with us as long as possible.

7 a.m.- 8:50: Breakfast, getting everyone dressed, pack 2 lunches, general maintenance of bodies and souls. Looks like a bomb went off by 8:50.

8:50- 9:30: School drop-offs.

9:30: Finally home. House is quiet, except, oh yeah, the baby. But still, mostly quiet and I take a deep breathe.

9:30- 1:40: Everything. Clean up the bomb that went off from 7 a.m.- 8:50: laundry, meal planning, grocery store, meal prep, Bible reading, journal, sweeping, dishes, call actual adult humans for social contact, walk on treadmill, try to do squats/crunches (funny), shower. Oh yeah, and caring for the little human (breastfeeding, diaper changes, holding, playing). I have to pick and choose what to do each day.

1:40- 2:15: pick up Patrick
2:15- 4:00: play with Patrick, care for Samuel, maybe start dinner if I am wise.
4:00: Graham off the bus
4:00- 5:00: hang with the boys, try to get them to get their energy out. Wine, maybe, at this point.
5:00ish: Behn home. Bless.
5:00- 8:00: survival. You know. Feeding, dishes, baths, stories, etc. Sometimes I sneak a run in. Sometimes I hide. Often the boys are at each other by now. But slowly, we arrive at...
8:30: Kids are (usually) asleep. I crawl into bed like a hibernating brown bear and drink tea. Maybe read, maybe watch something. Maybe just give up for the day.

THANK goodness we do not have any sports, music lessons, homework yet. How would it even get done??

Ok. I'm ok. It's actually great to be in a pattern and the boys are thriving and the weather is lovely right now. I love fall and the freshness it brings. And so, I will write more. I will recap our summer and write about how awesome Samuel is and maybe share a recipe. I miss this space.


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