What's Saving My Sanity Right Now

February, to me, is the longest month. March sure can stretch on, too, but at least the crocuses are coming up in March.

A few things lately are helping me keep my sanity. And they are...

1. Early bedtime. Like, 8:30 or at least by 9:30. I just never know how many times I'm going to wake up for roll myself over (because, belly) or get up to use the bathroom. It's hard to feel rested, and I know it's only going to get harder after the baby comes...

2. Tea. I started drinking tea a few years ago, and have really enjoyed it this winter. The perfect afternoon pick-me-up (even though decaf) or evening wind-down. What's your favorite tea?

3. These books:

A sweet friend gifted me with The Quiet Place by Nancy Leigh DeMoss for my birthday and it is a refreshing devotional. Highly recommend. I ordered Roots and Sky by Christie Purifoy recently and am enjoying that book as well. It's her testimony of the first year living in an old Pennsylvania farmhouse, and the work that God did in her home that year.

4. "Just do one thing." I tell myself most days to try and do one thing, which usually turns into more than 1 thing. Dishes and tidying up don't count, because they always need to be done. Maybe it's fold a huge pile of laundry, clean the microwave, or scrub the shower (that's what I did today). I feel accomplished and know that I'm helping keep the house a little cleaner.

5. Preschool. Because it's winter...I've never been so happy for preschool. There's just not much else to do in our area, so I am grateful to have the routine of preschool.  Patrick had a great first week and then cried both days this week. He'll adjust; he's only there 2 hours/2 days, anyway. Graham loves it as always and is really growing up right before our eyes.

6. Sermons. I've been listening to more sermons and podcasts lately. How nourishing for my tired soul. I recommend any from Redeemer Presbyterian, Pacific Crossroads Church, or The Gospel Coalition.

7. A Getaway. I told myself last February that we need to try and plan a vacation to a warm place in February's. Ha. So, that did not happen BUT my mom and sisters and I are getting away this weekend. We will only be an hour away, but we are all splitting a hotel room and going to enjoy hanging out in Alexandria for some shopping, yummy food, seeing a movie, and hopefully lots of laughs.

Here's hoping the rest of the month brings love and cheer as we wait for spring...

^ Bonus pic of the boys eating donuts in front of the space heater early one morning. ^


  1. Saw this (Lauren posted on FB) and I immediately thought of you. :) https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d6/3c/0d/d63c0dee05874405ac0055a997b67c71.jpg


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