About A Boy

Back when I first got pregnant with this one, we talked about "not finding out." You know, if the baby was a boy or a girl. At first, it seemed like it would be easy. People never used to know what they were having, right? I declined the 10 week blood test that would show for abnormalities and also reveal the gender. We moved on.

Then we started talking about names. We've always had a girl name, but coming up with another boy name was a challenge. And then I started looking through the baby clothes. Would I need all these baby boy clothes? Or could I purge most of them? Should I be looking at little sundresses? Our 20 week ultrasound was scheduled. Behn and I decided to have them write down if the baby was a boy or a girl, so that we could decide later on if we wanted to know. At this point, I was pretty much itching to find out.

As it turns out, the ultrasound tech wasn't allowed to write it down, but she did print a very specific potty shot so that we could decifer for ourselves. And so, we waited until Christmas morning and then gifted ourselves with the knowledge that we were having a son.

Since we hosted family for Christmas dinner, we hung one of Patrick's old onesies on the tree to tell everyone our news

I'm not surprised that we are having a boy, and I'm trying to avoid saying "another boy," because this little guy is as treasured as the first two. Did we want a girl? A girl would have been fun. And maybe someday we will have one, although I admit I am not going to keep on babymaking until we get a girl because I'm pretty sure that will backfire. Maybe we will adopt a daughter. Maybe we will indeed have another baby and it will be a girl. And maybe we won't ever have a girl. I'm coming to peace with each of these scenarios. God  very specifically chose to build our family with 3 boys and I'm a happy boy mom.

And so, I nod my head and join the ranks of hardy women who have raised 3 (or more) consecutive sons. The Queens of their castle. The women who have embraced a rough and tumble household, balls, trucks, and the like. I have several friends who have 3 sons and no daughters, and Behn's grandmother also had 3 sons. I join these women and I think we have a special bond. We are tough and tender and dearly loved by our little men.

And now I'm smiling as I get out the clothes and we are nailing down a name. Only just over 3 months left to go, Lord willing.


  1. I wonder why the tech couldn't write it down? Congrats! Baby boys are so fun.

    1. I know, that's weird, right? She said it was the policy. But the pic she printed was pretty obvious ;) Yay boys!

  2. I love you and your sweet family!!! Praise the Lord for the beauty being bound in your eyes and heart as you take on the task of mothering boys that will grow to be men of God! Parents like you and Behn give me HOPE for the following generation <3

    1. Thank you, Amber! I'm grateful for your friendship!


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