And Then There Were Five...
Yup. I'm pregnant.
13 weeks now, to be more exact. Which means that even though I'm feeling much better, I really wish I was taking a nap. But I digress....
We are really happy, of course, and feeling so blessed to be doing this again. We believe life is God's to give. This is a new gift. Graham especially, is over the moon, and constantly touches my belly and sings to "Bumblebee." I'm pretty excited about the age gaps we have between G and P and this new baby. I believe they will really get to experience the whole "new baby" thing.
And now, answers to questions:
Q. Did you try for a girl? Is it a girl?
A. We tried for a baby. It might be a boy. It might be a girl. I have no preference, although others do (Graham and Behn want a girl). We are thinking about not finding out the sex until birth- Team Green! Keep everyone in suspense!
Q. When are you due?
A. April. So excited for a spring baby!
Q. How are you feeling?
A. Pretty good! I'm blessed to have fairly easy pregnancies. I've been able to work my part time jobs and live pretty normally, although I admit we ate cereal and take out for a few weeks. I feel better now. This has been the hardest pregnancy so far, though. I'm a little older and busier this time, and my symptoms were more severe.
Q. Didn't you have a freak 45 minute birth with Patrick? Are you close to a hospital this time?
A. Yes I did, and no, I'm not very close. Eeek. There are THREE hospitals near us- all 30+ min away. I am working with some great midwives that deliver at one of the hospitals and we are discussing a natural induction around 39 weeks. I'll also have clean towels on hand at home, just in case baby happens here :)
So here we are. April seems far away and I'm distracted enough by the daily grind that I sometimes forget there's a new baby growing. But, I'm trying to savor this. With Graham and Patrick, I totally assumed we would have more kids, so while I enjoyed being pregnant and having a baby, I didn't get too sentimental about it. This time, I'm not so sure. In my heart, I think this might be our final biological child (though hopefully not our final child as we are very interested in adoption and foster care)...and so I'm taking it slow and full of thanks.
13 weeks now, to be more exact. Which means that even though I'm feeling much better, I really wish I was taking a nap. But I digress....
We are really happy, of course, and feeling so blessed to be doing this again. We believe life is God's to give. This is a new gift. Graham especially, is over the moon, and constantly touches my belly and sings to "Bumblebee." I'm pretty excited about the age gaps we have between G and P and this new baby. I believe they will really get to experience the whole "new baby" thing.
And now, answers to questions:
Q. Did you try for a girl? Is it a girl?
A. We tried for a baby. It might be a boy. It might be a girl. I have no preference, although others do (Graham and Behn want a girl). We are thinking about not finding out the sex until birth- Team Green! Keep everyone in suspense!
Q. When are you due?
A. April. So excited for a spring baby!
Q. How are you feeling?
A. Pretty good! I'm blessed to have fairly easy pregnancies. I've been able to work my part time jobs and live pretty normally, although I admit we ate cereal and take out for a few weeks. I feel better now. This has been the hardest pregnancy so far, though. I'm a little older and busier this time, and my symptoms were more severe.
Q. Didn't you have a freak 45 minute birth with Patrick? Are you close to a hospital this time?
A. Yes I did, and no, I'm not very close. Eeek. There are THREE hospitals near us- all 30+ min away. I am working with some great midwives that deliver at one of the hospitals and we are discussing a natural induction around 39 weeks. I'll also have clean towels on hand at home, just in case baby happens here :)
So here we are. April seems far away and I'm distracted enough by the daily grind that I sometimes forget there's a new baby growing. But, I'm trying to savor this. With Graham and Patrick, I totally assumed we would have more kids, so while I enjoyed being pregnant and having a baby, I didn't get too sentimental about it. This time, I'm not so sure. In my heart, I think this might be our final biological child (though hopefully not our final child as we are very interested in adoption and foster care)...and so I'm taking it slow and full of thanks.
Congrats again, super excited for you! Did someone actually ask if you were specifically trying for a girl??