Pre-K 4

A little guy I love started PreK 4 last week.

We decided to enroll him at the school he went to last year, since we had a good experience. Why mess with what works? He walked confidently into his classroom and seems to be doing well. He even stays for lunch! I drop him off and then get to spend several hours at home with Patrick. We've been taking walks, playing, and I've been trying to get more done around the house. Then, we go pick Graham up and we're all happy to see each other.

Making school decisions has been more stressful than I thought it would be. I wish I were a person or that we were a family who had always known what we will do school-wise. i.e. "We will definitely homeschool!" or "Our kids will go to public school" or "We'll commit to Christian/private school for our kids." As it is, I can see us doing any of those educational scenarios.  When I was pregnant and Graham was a baby, all those decisions were so far away. And now, we're here. It's been harder than I thought to decide what we will do. It became apparent last fall we needed to send G somewhere for a few hours. He was bored at home, and needed the stimulation and change of scenery. We were having some major issues. It's just hard in our area because we are 30-40 minutes from a large community. We live in the middle of 4 towns, but none of them are really that close. There's no pool, no community center, no MOPS group, etc. We do have a library and a few parks, but that stuff gets old eventually. I miss community. I hate driving to get to those things (even Target!). 30 minutes in the car isn't much to some people but we just do not have the resources to constantly fill our gas tank and put endless miles on our older vehicles.

So, this year, Graham's at the little church school again. Like I said, we had a good experience there and wanted to go for it again, even though it is a financial sacrifice. It's not exactly a Christian school, but it's held in a church and they learn a few Bible songs, pray before lunchtime, etc. I like that it's only for 2-4 year olds, so the environment is small and contained. That said, they boast about small class size, and there are actually 20 kids in G's class- not so small. But I really like the teachers and director and the curriculum and teaching styles. I like that I drop him off and pick him up (as opposed to him riding a bus- yes, I'm weird about buses).

For now, for this year, this is best. Next year? I don't even really want to think about it. I honestly hope we have moved to an area with more options, more community, and that we have more resources. Praying for God's guidance in these big kid decisions!


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