Rehoboth Beach and Life Tidbits

Hello! Happy Summertime!

Another cliche "life is going by and I don't have free time to blog." Ok, now that's out of the way.

We are just back from the beach, where we visited with family for 3 days. It was so wonderful.

We are supposed to have Victoria right now...but the Ukraine group were not able to get their visas on time, due to circumstances completely out of their control. She will be coming, Lord willing, later this week. It was disappointing, but it also gave us an extra day at the beach and fun memories made. The delay also gives me a few more days to prepare for her, so I will take and post pictures of her adorable room soon, as well as get ahead on some freezer meals this week. FYI when she does arrive and stay with us, I will not be allowed to post pictures of her on the blog.

So, the beach. The whole thing was arranged by my sisters-in-law and all 5 of the T siblings, their spouses, kids, and Mom and Dad T were there. A few of the group had to leave sooner, but we did get THE FAMILY PICTURE of everyone. I don't have a copy yet, though. I'm sure it's epic. My kids loved playing with their cousins, playing at the beach (first time for Patrick), and going to Funland. It really was a kid's vacation, not a relaxing vacation for the moms and dads. That's the season we are in. It's pretty fun, though. Behn and I did get to go on some mini-dates after the kids were in bed.

A few pictures:
The big cuzzies having ice cream-

The Original 5 T Siblings-

Graham and Rosie-

G and I on a ride at Funland-

Bumper Cars with Daddy-

Patrick on a ride with me-

Boardwalk was 2 blocks away from the house-

Graham and Elliot were such cute friends-

And a family pic of the 4 of us-

Let's see, what else is going on? Behn and I celebrated 7 years of marriage. We did...absolutely nothing this year, haha! It was also Father's Day. so I tried to celebrate that more than our anniversary. Maybe next year we will make sure we get away or at least have a quiet dinner. Last year I wrote this post about how it had been our hardest year so far. This past year was much more fun, and I'm not sure why. Nothing really changed, no big stressors have been removed or new good habits taken up; it was just a fun year. More laughing and teasing and dreaming. I'll take it.

One last thing- Patrick is pretty much potty trained! First time in 4.5 years I don't have someone in diapers! (well, he's wearing them at night). I know many women have kids in diapers for many years more than that- my own mama must have had multiple kids in diapers for like 8 straight years! But I'm grateful for the break for now.

Ok, next up- pictures of Victoria's room!


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