Links to Love
Lately, probably since I'm off FaceBook, I've come across so many good blogposts. I just wanted to share a few here: Letting Go Of The Family Dinner Dream at Take Heart by Danielle Burkleo- this is a new-to-me blog, but I really like her photos, writing, recipes, and prints. She has a big family- pregnant with #5! Anyway, I really found myself nodding to this specific post because dinner around here are CRA-ZY. By 5 p.m., my 2 boys are tired and cranky and manners are all but gone (honestly, this is how I feel, as well). We are done for the day. I always thought we'd have these nice family dinners, but I am giving myself grace in this phase. They are young and we will always work on sitting down together as a family, but during the "witching hour" I need to let it go. We end up tossing food towards them and then herd them to bath and bedtime (we have a 7ish bedtime here since they are early risers). Behn and I try to eat a little while we are all together bu...