Let's Talk About 3 Year Olds (Well, 3.5 Year Olds)

Ya'll. We made it to 3.5. Two was hard. The first half of three was harder. And then it was like a cloud was lifted...a goldmine was discovered...a rainbow in the sky...you get the idea.

Three and a half is pretty awesome.

It's not perfect, no. He still won't eat chicken.

But it's so much fun!

His imagination has taken off. He's a pirate, he's a baseball player, he's a monster.

He says the cutest things: "God made me; God loves me," "Come on, Patrick, let's hide from Pirates," "I need 3 chocolates because I am 3," "Oh, this breeze feels great!"  And there's lots more where that came from.

He is learning empathy. I moved my struggling daisies to a new location and Patrick promptly stomped on them. I was sad, and Graham came up to me and gave me a hug (unprompted), "It's ok, Mama. The daisies will be ok." He loves the garden and enjoys watching it grow with us.

He asks a million questions. He wants to know the difference between corn and soy fields. He wants to know where the morning went, why it's afternoon now. He asks me to tell him about when he was a baby and repeat my childhood stories. He asks me to explain how Jesus is in his heart but his heart is also for making blood. It gets complicated.

He's a good brother. He protects Patrick and adores him. He also beats the snot out of him, but Patrick dishes it back. A good brotherly rivalry.

We play all ball day. And build forts. It's life with boys and I wouldn't trade it for anything.


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