Sometimes I Feel Like I Got Blitzed

Spring means everything is growing. That includes my 2 wild boys. They both are taller and have bigger feet every day. I'm so glad and thankful that they are healthy. I don't take it for granted.

Discussing something

Everyday, they run and fall, eat strawberries and peanut butter, wrestle and fight, jump and skin knees. Every day, they wake at dawn (which right now is, like 6) and begin the day with relentless energy. There's little to no sweet morning snuggles- it's like "I'm awake! Aren't you glad?? I need breakfast NOW because I'm growing and haven't eaten in 10 hours!" I'd compare morning wakeups in this house to something like waking up and realizing your house is on fire. Occasionally we can combat this with a short Netflix to keep someone still for an extra 20 minutes, though I don't prefer to start our day with screen time. Sometimes, though, it's a sweet mercy from heaven.

Inspecting a little snake

If they nap too much (or for Graham, at all), we pay for it later when they won't sleep until 9 p.m. At that point, Behn and I are walking, grumpy zombies, desperate for quiet and peace, and begging them to just go to sleep. Sometimes we will clean up a little bit, just to clear our minds and begin fresh, and sometimes we shrug and say, "what's the point?"

Grocery Shopping Adventures

The older one is finally heading into cool territory. He's pretending a lot these days, playing more independently, and for the most part I know he's not playing with matches and lighting the floor on fire, like he did when he was 2. I'm not joking, he really did that. He can still be a challenge, but I think I can safely say that Graham may indeed join the ranks of normal, functioning human beings.

Working Quietly (I'm doing the happy dance)

And then there's sweet baby toddler Patrick, who's moving quickly into the dreaded 2's. This one will definitely try to light the floor on fire at some point. So, while I'm grateful that Graham is becoming easier, the baton of toddlerhood and all that comes with it is securely in Patrick's hand.

Didn't get his way... oh, the emotions!

Where am I going with all this?

I guess I just feel sometimes like I got blitzed. We had this sweet first child. Then I babysat another little guy full time, which means I never really felt like I got to enjoy that "first and only child" year. I was juggling 2 babies most of the time, then as they grew, 2 toddlers. Suddenly, *bam* I was pregnant again. Just as I got the 1st baby sleeping through the night, I was doing it all over again.

One of them is always, always bolting at the park (see Patrick about to take off)

The grass is always greener, right? I totally get a twinge of jealousy when I see a mom in the library with her 1 demure toddler, giving her full attention. They look so peaceful, quiet, nobody is yelling. Peaceful is not in my vocabulary right now. But what I may not know is that she has 3 kids in school and is just enjoying the time with this one. Or perhaps she has this one, but her heart longs for another child. And then there's those many women who have had it harder than I do. There's mothers of multiples, mother of special needs kids, mothers of Irish twins, mothers of many kiddos. Bless them. They have my respect.

Watching the neighbor cut his lawn

I used to wonder why people would only want to have 1 child. Or have 1 and then wait 7 years to have the next. I get it now. I get it.

Ultimately, I know I wouldn't change a thing. Having 2 boys 21 months apart isn't that appalling. It's hard, yes. But we are getting through it and most of the time, I love it! They have each other and have such a strong bond. Things are crazy, but God made this family just as it is. And that's a pretty cool thing.


  1. I'm a little nervous and exciting to see what life will be like with two! The nurse at my doctor's office couldn't believe I was having my children so close together (22-23 months apart. She said I was a "glutton for punishment."

    1. Haha, you'll be great! Some of my siblings are 13 months apart! Can you imagine?

  2. I'm sorry...but as I read this I can't help but giggle a little. {And I hope one day you will look back on this season and laugh, if you haven't done so already.} Lighting the floor on fire with matches?!?! Oh, boys.

    1. Haha I laugh about it most of the time. They are a funny duo! I'm glad I'm writing this all down.


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