Patrick The Awesome at 18 Months

First of all, #211 why Patrick is amazing: he eats the not-sweet pineapple I cut up this afternoon. He eats anything.

The baby will be 18 months old tomorrow. I am in disbelief that when Graham was 18 months old, I was 6 months pregnant with Patrick. Surreal.

Patrick is sweetness. He is as sweet a child as you could imagine, except for some unfortunate hair-pulling tendencies. He's smart, smart, smart. He says lots of words (book, eat, walk, night-night, uh-oh, up, down, bath, and of course, lots of 'mama' and 'dada'). He says a lot, but understands even more. He can follow simple instructions ('go pick that up'), he folds his hands to pray, and he loves books. He brings me books constantly and also will just sit down with a book and 'read' to himself. Patrick loves balls and cars and tractors. 100% boy.

Patrick is a dream to put to bed/nap. Plop him in with 2 binkies and leave the room and he'll go to sleep. If he does wake during the night though, which happens occasionally, he can be hard to get back to sleep. Still, most of the time it's easy peasy when it comes to sleep with Patrick. This is such a gift.

The boy is a climber. I catch him standing on the dining room table multiple times a day. It's a bit unnerving. Our active little guy can also run and jump! He keeps up with big brother.

Patrick is so cute, in our opinion. He has whispy blond hair with a patch of curls in the back. His hair is getting long, but I cannot bring myself to trim it. He has true blue eyes and a sweet grin, complete with crooked little front teeth. Speaking of teeth, he only just got his 6th tooth!

Patrick is a lovely little brother to Graham. They are quite rough with each other and Patrick does get the short end of the stick by being smaller. He gets squashed on a daily basis. I guess that's the way boys are, but it's hard when it all ends in tears. But they also play well at times and we are so happy they have each other.

I guess all that's left to say is that Patrick is a precious gift and we are so thankful for him!


  1. He is so stinking cute!! Love that blond hair and blue eyes!

  2. Wow. Kira is so different. It is amazing how different children can be even at such an early age.

  3. Goodness. He is SUCH a cutie! Also, I can not fathom being six months pregnant while also taking care of an 18-month-old!


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