End of the Week Pics
Thanks to Pinterest for this idea- keep the map of the place you visited and use it as a background in a frame with a picture of the trip. I also added our ticket stubs from Fenway :)
I put the high chair away and Patrick now sits at the table with us, in a booster seat I got at a thrift store. It's nice to have him eat right with us, and it gave us more space in our smallish eating area.
Graham and I made a leaf wreath. We are embracing autumn for a few more weeks.
We moved our pine tv cabinet to the family room downstairs. Best decision ever. The living room upstairs now looks sad and empty (looking for a pretty loveseat for that room), but the family room is getting way more action now. We have been spending lots more time down there, and not to watch tv. We just naturally go down there and then the boys end up playing with their toys for an hour. It's nice! See how messy the family room is now??
Speaking of playing with toys, for the first time in the 2 years he's had them, Graham actually played with his duplos. He's not a very independent kid in some ways; he prefers to watch someone else build for him. So, I thought this was great progress! He said he was building a house. Not bad, eh?
And, finally, the brothers watching a little movie together. They have been getting along REALLY well lately, which makes me so glad.
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