Saying Goodbye to the 4Runner

4 years ago, when Behn and I were just a young, married couple with big hopes and dreams, we bought a 4Runner. We hoped it would take us on lots of adventures (it did) and that we could fill it with kids (we did). You can read about that post here (see item #4).

Fast forward 4 years and we have 2 boys and a mortgage. In an attempt to be more fiscally responsible than the U.S. government, we decided it was time to sell our fun, trendy car and go for the used mini-van. We don't need a mini-van yet. The 4Runner easily fit all of us and our junk when we traveled. But it was a good financial decision and also...we know we're not done growing this family yet! No, this is definitely not a pregnancy announcement, or even an adoption announcement. But, someday, we hope there will be more kids.

That 4Runner was great though. We always felt safe; it was very reliable. We never had a breakdown or a big issue. That car rushed me to the hospital twice while I was leaking amniotic fluid and having contractions (too much info?). That car safely brought my babies home. That car served us on hundreds of grocery trips and dozens of visits to Delaware, Maryland, and North Carolina to visit loved ones. It was hard saying goodbye.

^ Bringing Graham home from the hospital in the 4Runner

 ^ This is the last trip we took with it- camping in Gettysburg a couple of weeks ago. "A last hurrah," said Behn.

^ Saying goodbye

So, as of tonight, God willing, we will have a mini-van! Behn found and test drove one that he loved. It is much more budget-friendly and has all the space we need for the future. Speaking of Behn, my husband is pretty great. Selling a car, and then hurrying to buy a new one, is so much work! He has done an excellent job taking care of the details!

Here's to a new beginning!


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