Blanket Gets A Bath

First off, WHY are my kids getting up before 6 a.m.? It's still dark out!

Rant over.

I put Graham's blanket in the wash while he was eating his breakfast. It was so filthy. There were BUCKETS of tears, Graham was literally sobbing over the fact that blanket couldn't be next to him at breakfast.

When we stopped crying, he asked for blanket every 2 minutes. We went to the washer to 'check' on it a few times. The second it was done, we threw it into the dryer for all of 5 minutes, to at least get the damp off of it.

He has it now, it's clean and mostly dry and he is just so happy!

"I'm happy, mama."

"Blanket got a shower and he's clean now."

"I love you, blanket."

Sometimes I really do love having a 2-year old; I mean, what's more innocent and sweet than a little boy and his blanket?

Watching Mister Rogers Neighborhood yesterday

And all of this before 8 a.m.!


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