Lazy, Hazy Days of Summer

I've pretty much stunk at blogging this month. Maybe it's because we had a very sick 6 weeks- ear infection, stomach bug (boys), summer flu (me), and Patrick got pink eye. On top of that, there's been some crankiness with Graham's molars coming in and Patrick's 1st tooth. Yes, my baby finally got his first tooth at  nearly 11 months old- it poked through this morning!

Not blogging doesn't mean there's not a lot going on. There's life. Life in ways like a boy's first time on a ferris wheel.

Life like a lot of messy diapers (darn teething). 

Life like the 4 of us stuffed into life jackets and onto a paddle boat for about 15 minutes. 15 minutes on a paddle boat on a lake is about all a 2.5 year old and 10 month old can take. It was fun though, and the park ranger didn't charge us the $6 since we were out such a short time.

Life like an overdue date night to celebrate our 5 years of marriage. We enjoyed a free outdoor concert- the final one of the summer River Concert Series. They played big band and jazz and it was really fun.

Life like brothers sharing a snack on the deck, which we can enjoy because the weather's been so nice.

Life like Patrick sleeping through the night!!!!!!! He is also officially weaned, which means for the first time in 3+ years my body is not growing or feeding a child.

Life like some fun recipes that I want to share soon. Potato soup and Thai Quinoa Salad have been enjoyed recently. Healthy, vegetarian eating!

I guess that counts as an update. Maybe I'll be more faithful to the blog next month :)


  1. Yay I am so glad to hear that the vegetarian cooking is working out! Once you get past that first hump of learning new recipes and spices it gets easy and, well, normal. That being said, once in a while some meat doesn't hurt. Tomorrow I'm making pulled pork sandwiches for Brian, it's one of his favorites :)


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