On Anniversaries and Sick Babies
Last Friday was Behn and My 5th wedding anniversary. We arranged babysitters (my brother Aaron and his girlfriend Autumn) and decided to enjoy dinner on the river and maybe a free outdoor concert (River Concert Series- "A Night in Vienna"- by the local symphony orchestra.)
Funny how it is to make plans.
Patrick and Graham had been sick all week. Patrick rebounded, but Graham did not. After several days of fever, I decided on Friday that I better take Graham to Urgent Care. Poor baby boy had his 1st ear infection. I brought him home, Behn picked up the meds, and we cancelled our plans.
Honestly, it didn't bother me. I was tired and felt awful for G and was content staying it and cuddling with him. Behn cooked delicious steak on the grill and we called it a night. Even though we so need a date, I'm glad that we are in the point in our marriage when we can sacrifice our plans and dreams to care for those that God has given us. We don't always do this gracefully, but I feel God's work in our lives, and in our children's lives.
The next few days were rough. We were sleep deprived from Graham waking up miserable at night + Patrick who still isn't sleeping through the night. Graham's behavior was completely off the charts. Either his ear infection was extremely painful and his little body was struggling, or the antibiotics were messing with his mind. The tantrums and exhaustion left Behn and I incredulous and feeling inadequate.
We worked through it, however. This morning Graham climbed into bed with me, said 'hi mama!' and kissed my cheek. I think it's possibly the first time that Graham has kissed me without being prompted. It was his own choice, and it made my day. But even more than that, it felt that the fruit of our labor- the snuggles and middle of the nights and the extra attention and the discipline- are paying off. Graham feels secure and free to love and it's a sweet thing.
Here's to another Friday and a new weekend. My babes are feeling better and we're excited to spend lots of family time together. Our anniversary date is still postponed, but we'll get around to it eventually :)
Happy Weekend!
Funny how it is to make plans.
Patrick and Graham had been sick all week. Patrick rebounded, but Graham did not. After several days of fever, I decided on Friday that I better take Graham to Urgent Care. Poor baby boy had his 1st ear infection. I brought him home, Behn picked up the meds, and we cancelled our plans.
Honestly, it didn't bother me. I was tired and felt awful for G and was content staying it and cuddling with him. Behn cooked delicious steak on the grill and we called it a night. Even though we so need a date, I'm glad that we are in the point in our marriage when we can sacrifice our plans and dreams to care for those that God has given us. We don't always do this gracefully, but I feel God's work in our lives, and in our children's lives.
The next few days were rough. We were sleep deprived from Graham waking up miserable at night + Patrick who still isn't sleeping through the night. Graham's behavior was completely off the charts. Either his ear infection was extremely painful and his little body was struggling, or the antibiotics were messing with his mind. The tantrums and exhaustion left Behn and I incredulous and feeling inadequate.
We worked through it, however. This morning Graham climbed into bed with me, said 'hi mama!' and kissed my cheek. I think it's possibly the first time that Graham has kissed me without being prompted. It was his own choice, and it made my day. But even more than that, it felt that the fruit of our labor- the snuggles and middle of the nights and the extra attention and the discipline- are paying off. Graham feels secure and free to love and it's a sweet thing.
Here's to another Friday and a new weekend. My babes are feeling better and we're excited to spend lots of family time together. Our anniversary date is still postponed, but we'll get around to it eventually :)
Happy Weekend!
Glad they are on the mend. Happy (belated) anniversary!