Myth Debuked

In case anyone thinks my life with 2 little boys is some kind of stay-at-home mom fairytale, I thought I'd better debunk that myth right now. Right here. It's easy to put our best foot (photo) forward on blogs and facebook. Lots of pics of kids smiling, sharing, hugging. Cute anecdotes and toddler sayings. But the real life, it's messy and tiring and frustrating. Let me illustrate.

It's gorgeous today, so I thought I'd be a cool, fun, outdoorsy mom and take the kids outside for a picnic lunch. I hyped it up for Graham ("We get to eat our food outside! Isn't that awesome??) and made his lunch:  strawberries, cheese, crackers with peanut butter, and apple juice. Basic stuff that Graham usually eats. I took a blanket out and set up. Once we were all outside, I gave Patrick a cracker to gum. He made a huge mess of it. That's ok, he's a baby. Wish I had remembered napkins though. Graham took one bite of cheese, ate a cracker and sneered at the rest, including the juice. He started back into the house but couldn't communicate why. I let him in and he got his cup of water. Ok, back outside. I realized how sunny it was and that Patrick should be wearing a hat. I ran in the house really quickly (leaving the boys unattended for about 30 seconds- still, it makes me nervous since the yard isn't fenced in). I grabbed Graham's hat too. Once back out, I put their hats on. Graham took his right off. I started encouraging Graham to eat his strawberries. Eating is a daily battle with Graham. It wears me out so much. He took a few bites. Patrick got bored and started lunging at Graham's plate. Graham also got bored and rolled around on the blanket, and his foot went into his food. I was getting hot and annoyed. Graham got up and walked to my garden and put his foot into it. I told him not to, because that's where the baby plants are growing. Graham looked me in the eye and stuck his foot back in the dirt. I jumped up to stop him and he ran through the small garden, stomping all around the plants (thankfully he didn't squish any of them). That was the last straw. Stupid picnic lunch was OVER. Graham had to be taken inside for discipline and I grabbed Patrick too so we could end the whole fiasco.

So that was that. They are both napping now- can I get an allellujah?- and I look tired and exasperated like this:


  1. Haha! I LOVE this! :) Being a SAHM is certainly NOT glamorous!

  2. I love the realness of this. Some days are HARD. But bravo to you for trying a picnic. I realize with two boys I am going to have to learn to be an outside person (which I am not).

  3. Tee hee hee awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I want to eat his strawberries! Your picture sums it up so well. Thank you for being a real mom! It encourages me!


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