An Ode to Behn

I don't think I write on this blog how much I appreciate and love my husband. Not only does he work hard to provide for us, he's a great husband and father. Here are some tidbits from today:

He serves:

I went to bed feeling achey and with a sore throat. I also woke up that way (at 5:45 a.m. thankyouverymuchPatrick). Behn took the boys downstairs so I could get a shower and ready for the day. I was sulking about being in drab, rainy Southern Maryland instead of beautiful, lovely, snowy Virginia.  But then Behn told me due "inclement weather" he was off from work for the day! Then he told me, "I'm here to serve you and the boys today," and he made us all pancakes.

He's funny:

Behn, about being home today: "We can make angels in the mud." Haha! We do have the same humor.

We like the same places. Or not like the same places:

While dreaming about where to possibly take our little family on a getaway, I suggested the beach.

Behn: I don't like the beach. There are annoying people there.
Me: Yeah, I don't like it either. It's hot. And sandy.

We'd prefer historic locations or the mountains. Glad we agree on this!

He watches movies that I like:

Me: Want to watch Little Women today?
Behn: Yep.

In general, we just get along so well and enjoy each other's company. I think we're a pretty good team and I'm glad that God gifted me with such a man as this.


  1. He is probably my favorite "friend's husband," and I know I've said this before: it's because we're actually friends ourselves. Glad you guys have each other and I have you both in my life!

  2. Isn't it SUCH a blessing to have an amazing husband?!?!?! Glad you have a GREAT one.


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