
Showing posts from August, 2012

Still Here!

Still here, still pregnant. Just haven't felt like blogging. I'm either feeling great and getting a ton of things done or feeling cruddy and not wanting to do anything. Poor Graham has been watching way too many movies lately because sometimes I just need to lay on the couch and not entertain him. There's not much else going on with us anyway. Just waiting for baby and waiting for God to open new doors and waiting for crisp autumn air. Lots of waiting. I WILL post pictures of Behn's graduation soon!

Thoughts On Childbirth

I'm in Phase 3. What are the phases, you ask? I'm talking about the phases of Apprehension of Childbirth for    Been There Done That (BTDT) Moms. I made these phases up myself. Phase 1: You find out that you are pregnant. There are lots of emotions and thoughts. You imagine life with 2+ kids. You're picturing your current child(ren) with a younger sibling. You're starting a list of baby names. You're gagging at the smell of freshly-brewed coffee. And somewhere, in the back of your mind is the thought, "This baby is going to have to come out of me" but that time is so far away that you can pretty much ignore it. Phase 2: Skip ahead to about 6 or 7 months pregnant. You're not too uncomfortable yet, but you can feel your child. You're starting to realize in a greater capacity that you're going to have to give birth again. You go on playdates and start bringing up birth stories with your friends. Because you're in the thick of it, you recal...

Off The Bookshelf

Today is Behn's graduation day, which merits an entire post in itself. Graduation is this evening, so right now we are just relaxing while Graham naps. I've been reading again! For me, reading comes and goes...I'll be really into it for a while, then take a break. Here's what I've been reading. First up: I really love the show "The Office," so I thought this book would be a fun read. It's...ok. I'd give it a C. To me, her sense of humor isn't that  funny. But it's definitely a light and easy read. Not as good as Tina Fey's Bossypants though. Next up:  I am loving this book so far! It's an autobiography about a NY city journalist who trades in the city life for the farming life. (It's nothing like Pioneer Woman's story though). She marries a super-organic farmer and they farm enough to feed 100 people...everything is all natural. They are pretty extreme, from what I gather so far, but it is still fascinating. M...


Variety is the spice of life, right? Here's a variety of goings-on: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Graham is doing a very  cute new thing where he wants to pick out a toy to sleep with before bed or nap. Of course, he always has to have his blanket; and now he wants a cup of water. In addition, right as I'm putting him in bed, he looks around the room and picks out something else. The thing is, it's always something different. One night it's my car keys, the next naptime, it's a ball, then a truck, then a book. Last night it was a duck. A duck that he's had forever and always ignored and was suddenly very important. He fell asleep with it and this morning when Behn got him up, Graham proudly marched up to me, smiling, and holding his duck and saying, 'duck!' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knowing you could go into labor anyt...

Delaware Recap and Photos of the Long-Forgotten Son

Ahem. So it's very hard for me to blog about normal life when there are big changes  hanging in the balance. I'm just too consumed with major life events to be able to write about, say, silly Graham-isms or what we did over the weekend. Some of the big things (well, one of them) has gone off the radar, so now maybe I can focus on blogging about everyday life again. I will blog about major life events (or lack thereof) sometime soon. We went to Delaware! We spent time with family and celebrated my sister Hannah's bridal shower and also Behn's upcoming graduation from his Master's Degree. That's right, ladies and gentlemen- Behn is DONE with grad school!! It was a whirlwind trip, but fun :) Mama and sisters at Hannah's shower. We missed Olivia though! Master Behn cutting his cake: Unkie Seth and Graham: Mama's Boy: The pool was fun, but the basketball net with Grandmom was even more fun! Cutie Cousins: I realized lately...

So Much Going On!

Ok, so blogging has been sparse lately, and may continue to be sparse for a while. I have a lot to do these days and NO ENERGY to do them! That includes blogging. We did have a wonderful trip to MD/DE this past week. It was dinners, bridal shower, Behn's graduation open get the picture. Speaking of pictures, I will try to post some of the goings-on of our trip. I don't want to forget all the fun we had. We have a lot of stuff going on here too. Hopefully one of these days I can blog about all that, if it's the right time. Of course, the baby coming in about a month is a big change in itself. Speaking of which, I'm going to go pack the hospital bag right now; I've been putting it off and I do not want to be caught off guard if he decides to make an early entrance. Toodles.

Keepin' It Real

From my weekly e-mail: "Your tiredness is perfectly understandable, given the physical strain you're under and the restless nights of frequent pee breaks and tossing and turning, while trying to get comfortable." How did they know??  Yes, I've been sleepy lately. But Mr. Graham has been sleeping 12-13 hours/night, so at least I have that going for me. I also have been getting a lot done in preparation for our final trip of the summer: up to MD and DE to visit family and celebrate bridal showers and nearly finished Master's Degrees. Will be fun, though possibly a bit exhausting for me.  I'll be trying to take lots of pictures though, so stay tuned!