SO Last Year

I know these are so last year...or maybe even the year before that...but when I saw these wreaths all over the internet way back when, I knew I wanted to make one. And I finally did.

Ya'll- I am not crafty. I like to think I am going to be, but that is unlikely. Other than a stint enjoying cross stitching when I was about 8 years old, I have not crafted anything. Or at least not very much of anything. I just did not get that creative bone.

But these were easy. Of course, being not-crafty, I made it harder than it needed to be. For example, I bought a straw wreath and like a dummy, I took off the plastic. Why did I do that? Straw was everywhere. And even now, straw sticks out between the yarn in some spots. Oh well, we'll say it gives it a 'country' look.

Oh, and did I actually consider what color my front door was when picking out yarn? Of course not! That would be too clever. So the fact that my door is off-white and the yarn is off-white and so they match is a little unfortunate. Whoops. We'll just say it gives it a 'camouflage' look.

But, I did have fun making this project. And now my door is not naked. Maybe I'll even have the motivation to make one in the fall!


  1. really super cute!!
    you know i didnt get the crafty genes either...


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