Snippets of Life
Here are some everyday things going on here:
Graham is SO into cords and into putting things together. For example, here he is trying to fit these ipod charger/adapter thingies together. His favorite thing to do is try and find an outlet without a cover and put a plug into it over and over. Dangerous, I know. We obviously don't allow him to do this.
Watermelon. If you don't have any, I command you to go buy one, cut it up and put it in your fridge. Nothing like a nice, cold watermelon on a humid day.
Playing games with my boy.
Sunflowers have bloomed. I must have accidentally planted a dwarf variety, as these guys are really short, unlike my tall ones last year.
Stray (?) cat that's been hanging around for a few days. I'll admit I've been feeding it. It's really friendly though! I'm honestly scared of cats, but Behn loves playing with her and picking her up.
I'm in love with these soy candles. Behn got me one for my birthday (I think) from a local boutique. I may never buy another Yankee Candle again.
I'm a sucker for tea towels. My sister Hannah got me the black and white one for Christmas. I love it, and the red one too. One day, I'm going to have a red accented kitchen.
Our dryer broke again. This is the 2nd one that broke. Our basement is starting to look like a scrap metal yard. Good thing it's summer and I can hang clothes outside. And it's energy-efficient!
I love this little hydrangea bush! Last year it only had 4 blooms, but this year it's full of flowers.
Yet another Robin's nest. We had one on our back landing that hatched weeks ago, but this one just hatched the other day and fuzzy little heads pop up frequently looking for food. Wait...maybe that's why the cat is hanging around...
Love the snapshots into your life! :)