Graham's Blanket and Other Tidbits

Graham LOVES his blanket. He has for a long time, but his attachment to it has grown lately, which is a relief to me since I'm trying to ween him and let him cry more during the night when he wakes up. I'm hoping the blanket can be a source of comfort. As of now, he won't go to sleep without it. He lights up when I give it to him.

The blanket is just a Wal-Mart blanket (I recently saw some more there, so that's how I figured that out). I think I got it from my baby shower, but I'm not sure from who. I wish I did know, so I could thank that person. Graham got a lot of blankets as gifts, and some of them are a little even has his name embroidered on it and I thought maybe he'd attach himself to that one, but he picked this one. It's the one I used to lay him on when he was a little baby, so they have a long history together. I think a baby loving his blankie is really cute :)

Graham's doing a lot of this these days:
 He's quite sure of himself walking now, and it's pretty much the only way he gets around. He only crawls occasionally.

Oh, here's another blanket picture...check out his wild hair!
 Graham really loves to be read to now. Not for very long, but enough that I can get through a short story. He loves this book of colorful objects. He knows how to point to the ball. I'm working on him pointing to 'tree' and 'pony' and 'dog.'
 He's really enjoying all the new toys he got for his birthday and Christmas. He actually plays with things now! His Grandparents T got him this piano and he plays with it all the time. I'll have to take a picture of him playing with the tractor that his Grandparents C got him...he even makes a 'brrrrrr' noise like a tractor engine would make!
Naptimes have been a little frustrating. Since he was sick last week, I was extra cuddly with him and he got back into the habit of wanting to be nursed to sleep, which is especially tiring to me since I'm trying to wean him. So, we've been sleep training again to break the habit. Saturday he cried for 1/2 hour before falling asleep, Sunday for 10 minutes, and just now another 10 minutes. I tried to put him down this morning for a nap- my mistake! He wasn't tired enough and cried for 40 minutes before I gave in. The trick is, he actually has to be legitimately tired or he'll cry for a looooong time. One thing that went well, though, was letting him cry during the night last night. I thought for sure he'd cry til dawn, but he only lasted 1/2 hour.

Basically, I'm not liking sleep training, but it's necessary to our survival. This is probably boring to my readers, but it consumes my everyday life, so I have to write about it for my own sake. Also important to us right now is weaning. It's going well! He's nursing half as much as he used to and loves his bottle of whole milk. Thank God for that!

My little baby is growing so fast....he's really a big boy now!


  1. yay! we'll have yo do our best to "baby proof" our apartment for Graham! not that he's a baby but I know he wants to put pretty much everything in his mouth these days! yay cant wait!!

  2. Babies each sleep in such different ways. E started sleeping through the night at 5 months then we got busy with traveling and I wasn't able to let her cry it out because of our family company till she was 8 months. And I thought that was all very late because M was sleeping through the night earlier than 5 months.

    I was shocked to hear that he is now mostly only walking! What a big boy! Look at those cute pictures of seeing him go! When they start walking it is like they grow up 4 months at once. We are a little old fashioned and encourage crawling as long as possible. E was a late crawler and I am thankful that she got a chance to crawl for awhile in spite of crawling late.

    That looks like a wonderful blankie!

    I love hearing all the mommy talk.

  3. We have the same piano that is in the last picture. Nate got it from his great-grandparents for Christmas and it is one of his favorite toys. =)So fun to hear what Graham is doing and learning!


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