Graham at 7 months

Graham brings us SO



At 7 months, Graham:

Is trying hard to crawl! He gets stuck halfway in crawl position and then gets frustrated. He does rotate and scoot around a bit on his tummy though.

Loves lots of solid foods: squash from the garden, applesauce, pear, sweet potato, peas.

Has come out of his 'won't drink from a bottle' funk and has been doing great going to sleep for Daddy on nights Mommy is working (or watching the Bachelorette).

Has really good eye-hand coordination and is great at reaching for exactly what he wants. Behn says he'll be a goalie.

Greets us with a happy yell, smiling, and kicking when we enter the room.

Seems to be teething. Ouch!

Is more verbal...experimenting with sounds.

He's a good boy! Just really sweet and a pleasure to be around. Thank You God, for this little boy!


  1. hope we get see the little guy next month! (and you guys too :)


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