How Does My Garden Grow Part 8

I know I promised pictures of Williamsburg...maybe this weekend. It's been a busy week for Behn and I.

My garden is doing great! I'm so excited and proud of it. Here's what's going on:

  • The beets have been harvested and consumed. They were great! The thing that stinks about beets is that since they're a root you pull them up and then...they're gone. Not like the beans, where when you pull off a pod, the plant figures out it's missing it and makes more.

  • The squash is making little squashes.

  • The pumpin plant looked around and figured out he wasn't going to fit inside the small area that is my garden, and wisely has chosen to begin growing through the fence and outside the area.

  • The cucumber plants each have one plump cucumber growing on them, with more to come. Note: I planted them waaaay to close together. Oops.

  • Pepper plants are finally looking a little more dapper and have grown.

  • Oregano has prospered. Had some with dinner last night.

  • Beans are doing well. We've enjoyed eating several and there are lots more growing. I'm hoping to freeze some for later.

  • Tomatoes have taken over the garden!! You'll remember that I thought they were radishes for a long time and so I planted too many, too close together. But they are doing well. So well, in fact, that they kind of choke out the other plants. I got some stakes and tied some the tomato plants invading branches up to give the other plants more space.

And there's the garden update for now. Oh, also my flower bed is lovely. Sunflowers and beautiful zinnias bloom every day. I also discovered a gorgeous hydrangea bush with purple flowers. Wish I could take credit for it, but it's obviously been there a long time.


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