How Does My Garden Grow- Tomatoes Coming Out of My Ears
Ok, so I'm a first-time gardener, right? Clearly I am. And since I'm honest about my garden endeavors on this blog, do I have a story for you I've been excited to see my radish plants growing well. I have a whole row of them, and can't wait to pull some up and add them to a fresh salad. That's me, the Radish Queen. After some research and my grandpa's advice, I decided that I should pull up a radish today and see if they're ready to harvest. After all, I didn't want the roots to get too fibrous and stringy. So out to the garden I went, with an audience of two (irritated) little boys. Up came the 'radish' plant. It came out too easily. And guess what? There was NO red bulb in the root. I sniffed the plant, and then suddenly it dawned on me that I am an idiot. The entire row of "radishes" is indeed a row of tomato plants. I must have mislabeled them on the trays when they were planted! To make matters worse, I also realize that I must hav...