A Word from Behn
This is Behn here. I've been living alone with Gruff this week, as Megan is back up in Delaware finishing up work at Seton Villa. It's been a very strange week. All of a sudden I'm in a new place working a new job. It's been a little stressful, and hard getting used to a new routine.
I started work Monday. I'm the new branch manager at Buena Vista Public Library, and I've automatically assumed the role of acting supervisor. It's a little scary but also a good feeling to see that I'm already listed on the website as branch manager. Tonight, the director of the Rockbridge Regional Library took me and another new staffmember, Nessa, to the Buena Vista City Council meeting. We were introduced to the council, and members from the Rockbridge Weekly newspaper, Rockbridge Advocate, and Lexington News and Gazette were present to take pictures. Already an article is posted online at http://www.rockbridgeweekly.com/rw_article.php?ndx=15061 .
To say that I'm a little overwhelmed with all of this would be an understatement. However, a wise man once said "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."
Above are pictures that I took while taking Gruff on a walk through town tonight.
I'm looking forward to going back to DE tomorrow night after work and spending the weekend up there. I really miss Megan and I'm excited to have her down here on a permanent basis in a couple weeks.
I miss all my friends and family in DE. I hope everyone is doing well!
the town looks so quaint and lovely...thanks for the pictures, and I hope the second week of work is making you feel even more settled :-)