A Very Different School Year part 1: Why we are taking a break from Classical Conversations

The summer stretches on, and here we are with a new school year approaching. This year is going to look quite different for us. After 4 years of homeschooling through Classical Conversations, we have at least 1 kid (probably 2) going to brick and mortar school in the fall. I'll write about that in a separate post. But even as we choose to continue homeschooling one of our kids, we'll be taking a break from CC. I love CC. I come from a classical education background, so I jumped in happily 4 years ago with only one cute 5 year old (his older brother was in 1st grade at public school). I liked the memory songs, the emphasis on geography, the hands on science and lovely art projects. Then we moved and found a new but very small CC community. These friends became very dear to us. I tutored (The CC term for taught) the 6 kids in our one class. The next two years the community only grew slightly (more dear friends), even during the madness of covid when many were turning to homescho...