Spring 2018
Lately, I've been missing writing. I haven't written on here consistently in a couple of years and I'm rusty. The keyboard feels strange. And I don't have anything to write about, exactly. But the other day I pulled out my journals- the private, handwritten journals I've kept for 10 years now- and remembered why it's so important for me to write. In those books, I saw myself and God. I could tangibly read about all the struggles and victories that God has brought me through. There are thousands of lines of thanksgivings. There are pages detailing anxiety. There is God's good faithfulness through it all. It's the story He's written and so I'm going to try to get my tired hands back here more often. Before anything deep, I think I just need to update this blog on general well beings... Our family is well. Happy, loud, full of life. Of course, there's bickering and exhaustion and lack of patience and wisdom. Such is human life. Behn ...