Let's Talk About 3 Year Olds (Well, 3.5 Year Olds)
Ya'll. We made it to 3.5. Two was hard. The first half of three was harder. And then it was like a cloud was lifted...a goldmine was discovered...a rainbow in the sky...you get the idea. Three and a half is pretty awesome. It's not perfect, no. He still won't eat chicken. But it's so much fun! His imagination has taken off. He's a pirate, he's a baseball player, he's a monster. He says the cutest things: "God made me; God loves me," "Come on, Patrick, let's hide from Pirates," "I need 3 chocolates because I am 3," "Oh, this breeze feels great! " And there's lots more where that came from. He is learning empathy. I moved my struggling daisies to a new location and Patrick promptly stomped on them. I was sad, and Graham came up to me and gave me a hug (unprompted), "It's ok, Mama. The daisies will be ok." He loves the garden and enjoys watching it grow with us. He asks a...