What Graham Said
Graham's vocabulary and conversations are really taking off, and that has made us really enjoy his being 3 1/2. He's always saying things like, "We're on a space rocket right now!" I love the funny things he pretends. Yesterday he asked "Please teach me to catch the baseball," which is so innocent and cute. Here's some tidbits of things he's said: "That way is East," he said, pointing West. "No, that's West. East is where the sun rises, over this way," I corrected him. "Oh, that's East," he said, pointing in the correct direction, "just like eggs." "Eggs? Oh, like Easter eggs. I get you," I laughed. In the car Graham was trying to convince Patrick that I am not an ogre. Patrick: "No Mama!!" (this was random, by the way) Graham: "Don't say 'no mama,' Patrick." Patrick: "NO MAMA!" Graham: "Stop saying 'no mama,' Patrick! M...