Life is Movin' Right Along
First of all, THIS BOY is itchin' to crawl. Oh my stars. He scoots all around the room. We're going into dangerous territory, friends. Yesterday Patrick took a toy from Graham and Graham started crying, like a wimp (he had just woken up from nap and was extra sensitive). It was pretty funny, really. Graham better watch out or Patrick is gonna get him! The boys have been a little under the weather this week. Graham says he has a 'boo boo' in his nose- translation: his nose is stuffed up. Poor Patrick also has the same cold. We're not sleeping so great over here because of this. On Saturday we took a family walk at a local state park. Spring is quite late this year (grrrrrr) but it was a pretty nice day. Behn and I love parks. If we ever want to feel like this is home, falling in love with the parks and nature here is key. We had a nice time. We might be able to report about a home buying purchase soon! We found a house we love and h...