When You Just Need to Rest
Last weekend we were in Delaware. We visited Mom and Dad T (Behn's parents) and spent a lot of time sitting, resting, napping, chatting, and just BEING. It was one of those times in life where that's what we so needed- to just be and rest. No big plans, no parties, no big family dinners. It was a little bit of a bummer that we didn't get to see some loved ones, but that's how it needed to go this time, and we were so grateful for the refreshment. It was really nice for the boys to spend time with just their grandparents, too. Thank you, Mom and Dad T, for the sweet weekend. I know we really enjoyed it. Twins It's been a tiring 6 months. New baby, new job, moving, looking for a new place (still nothing yet)...it just catches up sometimes and makes you wonder when it's going to slow down. When will the new normal feel like the new normal. We'll get there someday, and then something else will cause a new ripple in the pond and we'll adjust again. T...