After the busyness of July, August has been a fairly quiet month. I was sick with a cold for a week, and since then we've been working on house and garden projects and trying to soak up the rest of the summer. It's amazing how quickly I can go from overwhelmed and too busy to bored and listless at home. Such is life. I've been mindful to do things with the boys that I could not do when V was visiting. Even visiting the library was too much for me to handle with 3 kids (and one I could not communicate with and explain the rules to). So, we've been visiting the library, went to a movie, and enjoyed going to the pool one day. I'm just trying to spend time with the boys and do fun little things. It almost always keeps our spirits up when we have a little activity. Behn and I also had friends over the other night, and really enjoyed good company. This week I'm back to tutoring, so the evenings are full. Graham's been playing with his marble run blocks and Le...