Picky Eaters (and what it has taught me)
I have a picky eater. Maybe two picky eaters, really. I'm not sure. What I do know is that I have a picky eater AND a strong-willed child. It's a difficult combination. This taught me a lot. It's taught me to work hard at something. We celebrate each bite of a healthy food. It's taught me that I'm not really in control of some things (after all, you cannot physically force someone to swallow food, and it is cruel to try to make that happen). And it's taught me to pick my battles. I know a lot of families have the rule, "if you don't eat what I make, you don't eat." I understand that. But I'm not willing to pick that battle, not with my strong-willed kid. Instead, I'm ok with "eat what I made OR eat this healthy alternative." This works in our family. Here's a sample meal that Graham will eat: Graham does not like meat, the only exception being bacon. He does enjoy some nuts, whole milk plain yogurt with honey, ...