
Showing posts from March, 2015

Picky Eaters (and what it has taught me)

I have a picky eater. Maybe two picky eaters, really. I'm not sure. What I do know is that I have a picky eater AND a strong-willed child. It's a difficult combination. This taught me a lot. It's taught me to work hard at something. We celebrate each bite of a healthy food.  It's taught me that I'm not really in control of some things (after all, you cannot physically force someone to swallow food, and it is cruel to try to make that happen). And it's taught me to pick my battles. I know a lot of families have the rule, "if you don't eat what I make, you don't eat." I understand that. But I'm not willing to pick that battle, not with my strong-willed kid. Instead, I'm ok with "eat what I made OR eat this healthy alternative." This works in our family. Here's a sample meal that Graham will eat: Graham does not like meat, the only exception being bacon. He does enjoy some nuts, whole milk plain yogurt with honey, ...

Burned. Out.

Last week flew by. We stayed busy, played outside. I don't know why, it was just a good week. This week has crawled by and left me feeling completely depleted. Nothing was different about this week; just a normal week with the normal activities. But it took me down. I'm burned out from the kids and all the kid-things. Oh my gosh, I am tired of coming up with meals and breaking up the boys' fights and trying to figure out how to discipline and picking up the same toys. I'm burned out from biting my nails until Friday's paycheck (which is today! Yay!). I'm tired of driving around southern Maryland and its weird geography, which makes it hard to get places. I'm tired of running on the treadmill and not losing 5 pounds (because, cookies). I am both bored and too tired. I'm bored enough to day dream about taking a vacation with my husband. Yesterday I frantically texted Behn, "What if we just saved alllll year and didn't spend any money and we we...

Patrick at 2.5

Somehow (yes, this is cliche), Patrick is 2 and a half. It's so funny to have Patrick as the baby of the family because when Graham was 2.5, Patrick was already 9 months old! Graham at 2.5 and Patrick at 9 months: What better day to talk about Patrick than St. Patrick's Day! (Yes, we named him after St. Patrick, missionary to Ireland). We still lovingly call him Patch most of the time. Having Graham in preschool has allowed to me to spend extra time alone with Patrick. He's such a smart kid. At 2.5, Patrick is speaking in full sentences. He's sleeping in a toddler bed very well at night, although he's unfortunately forfeited naptime since we took his binkie away a few weeks ago. It was time for him to give it up, but I think he planned his revenge in giving up naps. (He still naps sometimes, especially when we're in the car).  Patrick is our carnivore (as Graham is our vegetarian) and eats some fruits and veggies well, but he has gotten pickier i...

Spring Life

About 1/2 way through February, I had the thought, "Hey, this winter has gone by fast!" Then it snowed 4 times (or something like that). Don't get me wrong, I like snow. But not so much in March. We were, however, also distracted by the flurry of activity in preparing for little V- the application, fingerprints, beginning to fund raise, emailing social workers. It helped boost us through that last little bit of the season. Here we are, though. It's sunny and warmish. I'm browsing packs of garden seeds and delighting in the bulbs that I planted last fall popping up. The boys are beside themselves to be outside, making mud soup and running around. The spring peepers are peeping in the creekbed on the other side of the street. I'm planning on riding again this weekend, after months of not being at the barn. The changing of the seasons always makes me nostalgic. The fresh air reminds me of past years when I've breathed in the fresh air. Where I was...

How We Will Be Spending Our Summer

Yesterday we got our fingerprints done. Because obviously people don't just go get a casual set of fingerprints done, there must be a reason, right? The reason is that this summer our little family will be hosting a little girl from Ukraine! V is living in an orphanage, but this summer she will get to experience the love of a family as we welcome her to our home. She is so young, only 6, and it breaks our heart that kids grow up in orphanages. We are thrilled that God has called us to be part of her life. Behn and I have always felt the draw to care for orphans and kids from hard places. We actually went to Ukraine on an Orphan Care trip 5 years ago. (Read about it here ). When God led us to buy a house with a extra space, we knew we wanted to share it; we just did not know how we would. And now we do know- this summer it will be filled with a little girl. The hosting agency is Open Hearts and Homes For Children. She will come with the group and we will pick her up in New Yo...

If You Get Fingerprints Done With A 4 and 2 Year Old

We got our fingerprints done today! I will explain WHY soon- we have some news to share. But for now, this, in "If You Give A Mouse A Muffin" style: If you need to get your fingerprints done, you will look up Sheriff's Departments. Then you'll leave messages with them. One will call you back. They will get your information, but be very confused as to why the agency you are working with does not have an authorization number or ORI #. You will e-mail the agency, then forward information to the Sheriff's Dept. The Sheriff's Dept will have someone really nice working who says "we'll figure something out!" Your appointment will be scheduled. The appointment day will come. The kids will wake up early and be fussy all morning. You will go pick up your husband from work. A child will poop in his diaper. You won't have wipes on hand. You will go grab a quick lunch as a family. The burgers will take a long time to be prepared. The food will ...