
Showing posts from October, 2014

A Realization

The other day I was doing what moms around the world do every day. Folding laundry. I looked down and saw these little boy socks and my eyes filled with tears. Graham's socks. He's getting tall and smart and outgrowing shoes and socks. But these socks, they still look so little. Not baby socks, but not big boy socks. I've had him in my arms for almost 4 years, this boy. Lately we've had a lot of ups and downs. 3 has been hard and also good. But he's still a little guy, my boy who made me a mama. I forget how precious that is, amidst the backdrop of tantrums and kids fighting and being tired and trying to get them to eat healthy. I forget that this is a precious journey. I love having little socks to wash and put on little feet, I love seeing little tractors set up side by side because another little boy in my house loves tractors. I am grateful to catch these moments of grace. I wish I would catch them more and see  the good all around me. Mamas get wo...

Because It's October and There Are So Many Good Things

My last post was heavy and honest. BUT there are so many good things going on, too! Let's talk about that for a bit! First of all, it's October. The middle of autumn on the east coast, and it's lovely. The leaves are peaking and the cool air has come and pumpkins abound. Here's something cool that happened: last weekend, my parents kept the kids for 2 days and a night! How great is that? The kids did well (I'm told) and Behn got to go camping with his brother while I got to spend a night with 2 of my best friends. It was SO GOOD to see Kiri again for the first time since she moved abroad. And it was also SO GOOD to see my friend Dee for the first time in a year. I needed to be with my friends. We drank wine and talked about everything. It was pretty amazing. (I want to insert a picture here. Dee and Kiri, you have to tell me if it's ok because the only pic I have is the one I took a minute before I left and we all have bedhead. You still are very pretty, t...

The Overwhelmed Mom (that's me)

Remember earlier in the year when I said having 2 little boys was getting easier? And that having a 3.5 year old was awesomesauce ? I take it back. We are in a hard phase right now. Why? You tell me. I'd really like to know. Whew, it's been so hard lately. It's concerning. Without going into too much detail, just know that I'm exhausted. I feel under attack. I feel alone. I'll read a blog or book that makes me laugh- that finds the humor in this mess of early childhood. It's good. I need that. I laugh. I feel a little less alone. Then I'll read a blog or book that encourages me. Something Biblical, that reminds me this is a spiritual battle, a calling, and that all the hard is worthwhile. I feel inspired and for 5 minutes I try to be like Michelle Duggar, with her gentle voice praising her 'little ones.' And then there's a tantrum and whining and fighting and the house is trashed and I crash. Ugh. I'm just being real here. I do...

September Recap, Now That It's October

It's lovely October. It's a Friday night and the house is a mess and I think Behn fell into a deep sleep while he was putting Graham to bed. These are tiring days, with all the work and running around and the endless children's energy. Fall is here, and the days have been perfect: chilly evenings paired with warm afternoons. The first of the leaves are changing and falling and little Graham has been especially excited to collect acorns this year. I didn't write much in September; that wasn't on purpose! My goodness, how full life is with 2 active boys! I can barely sit down to drink a cup of coffee and pray or eat a meal, let alone type out any coherent thoughts. We are always on the move in this house! September was full of the good things. For one, we had a bunch of family visit. 6 out of the 8 siblings in my family were here in town. We met up at the county fair, then the next day had a family lunch and baby shower for my brother and sister-in-law. I wish I...