6 Years and Going Strong
Behn and I celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary yesterday. We had a great day! My parents kindly offered to take the kids for the day and we toyed around with different ideas- go to the beer festival? Hike? Day trip to Fredericksburg? Explore a local garden? See a movie? In the end, guess what: we stayed home and worked in the yard all afternoon! It was so relaxing (and FREE) and we got lots of work done, side by side. We had dinner at the Irish pub, got some ice cream, and picked up Patrick. Graham had his first sleep over at Nana and Pop Pop's. And that was our anniversary. It was nice. Marriage is funny. You hear all this stuff about how stressful events will take a toll on your marriage. Taking on grad school? Try to keep the fire burning! Having a baby? Make time for each other! New job? Rough waters ahead. Moving? Watch out! This year we had no major life changes: no baby, no move, no school, no new jobs. But this has been the hardest year in our relationship....