Nana Visits, Our Handsome Boys, and Being a Big Brother
We had more visitors last weekend... Nana! (My mom). Notice G's face...he had a cold and it was past naptime. Not so good for picture-taking. And Uncle Stephen! Graham adored Uncle Stephen, and vice versa. They read books, played basketball, and Stephen even sat and cuddled Graham while Graham watched one of his little kid movies. That is a very nice 12-year old uncle! We had a nice visit. Mom enjoyed meeting Patrick and playing with Graham. We mostly took it easy. As always, it was great having extra help :) And extra food! Love when moms come make me food! Thanks for the great visit, Mom! I'm a softie for boys' autumn clothes. Who doesn't love corduroys, hoodies, overalls, and flannel on little boys. Melts my heart! Here are pics of our handsome sons: Lookin' sharp, Mr. Graham! Here are the outtakes. This boy just does NOT like having his picture taken! Wake up, sleepy baby. Hey there, little buddy :) Ok, back to sleep...