
Showing posts from September, 2012

Nana Visits, Our Handsome Boys, and Being a Big Brother

We had more visitors last weekend... Nana! (My mom). Notice G's face...he had a cold and it was past naptime. Not so good for picture-taking. And Uncle Stephen! Graham adored Uncle Stephen, and vice versa. They read books, played basketball, and Stephen even sat and cuddled Graham while Graham watched one of his little kid movies. That is a very nice 12-year old uncle! We had a nice visit. Mom enjoyed meeting Patrick and playing with Graham. We mostly took it easy. As always, it was great having extra help :) And extra food! Love when moms come make me food! Thanks for the great visit, Mom! I'm a softie for boys' autumn clothes. Who doesn't love corduroys, hoodies, overalls, and flannel on little boys. Melts my heart! Here are pics of our handsome sons: Lookin' sharp, Mr. Graham! Here are the outtakes. This boy just does NOT like having his picture taken! Wake up, sleepy baby.  Hey there, little buddy :)  Ok, back to sleep...

Family of Four

Right now Behn and Graham are at church, so I'm taking a moment to document our lives. I feel good and was tempted to go to church too, but decided I'd better take this last opportunity to rest before Behn has to go back to work tomorrow and I'm home with 2 boys all on my own! Patrick is a week old! I can't believe how well this past week has gone. Mom and Dad T (Behn's parents) were here Sun-Fri and they were a huge help! I was so spoiled: I didn't have to do anything all week, they took care of all the cooking, cleaning, shopping, and helped with Graham. And Patrick is a dream- so easy so far. A great nurser and a good sleeper. Our nights have really been pretty good, he's only up twice and goes right back to sleep after eating and being changed. I hope it stays this way, but I know that things can change anytime with little ones. I've been feeling good enough that we've gone on some family walks together. I can't possibly be indoors with thi...

Patrick Wilford is Here!

Both of my boys (what, I have 2 boys?) are napping right now, so it's time to update this blog with Patrick's birth story before I forget the details. Words to describe Patrick's birth: terrifying. fast. wonderful. merciful. unforgettable. We'll start with Friday, September 7th. I had my 39 week OB appointment and was 2 cm dilated and 75% effaced. Promising, but no guarantee I'd go into labor too soon. However, I did go ahead and schedule an elective induction for the following Tuesday (the 11th) because I liked the idea of knowing I'd make it to the hospital, plus my favorite doctor was on call that day, plus Behn had that whole week off of work so I knew he'd be there for everything. So it just made sense, even though I did want to try to have another natural childbirth. On Saturday (the 8th), I was excited because I knew there was a coldfront coming in. I was so ready for cool, unhumid air, but also was hopeful the change in the air pressure would c...

Behn's Graduation

How was everyone's Labor Day weekend? Ours was nice- Emily and Seth and Shane came to visit. So nice for the siblings to be together. And Graham adores Shane, obviously. We kept it pretty chill: walks, movies, naps, food, etc. Cute tidbit: Graham can say "Eminy," and "Sheth" and "Shay." So, Behn's graduation was about 3 weeks ago, I think. It was really laid back and easy. It was so nice it was only an hour away, at a conference room in a Holiday Inn. We were tempted to spend the night, just for fun, but we made the right choice in coming home afterwards. First we stopped for a little dinner, then headed over to the graduation. I played with Graham while Behn got ready (he wore a suit and opted out of the cap and gown). Then the ceremony started. I turned Graham's movie on (muted), but he did really well being quiet in the back and kind of watched what was going on. The graduation only lasted about 30 minutes, and afterwards the...