Mr. Mom
Starting last weekend, I am working a second part-time job for the extra cash. I'm doing respite care (read: babysitting) for a family who has special needs kids. So not only do I make some money, I feel like I'm helping out. Anyway, during these hours, I can't have Graham with me and have to leave him with Behn. I worked on Sunday after church from 1-6. I wasn't nervous at all leaving Graham- Behn is a great dad! When I left, Graham was sleeping, in a disposbale diaper (because we had put it on for church), and had a full tummy (I left Behn some milk that I'd pumped during the week). When I came home hours later, Graham was happy and smiling, fed, and in a clean cloth diaper. Behn said Graham had slept for a long time, allowing him to get some homework done and then they had enjoyed the rest of the afternoon together. I knew my husband would do a great job! I love the men in my life! I am so grateful to have a loving, nurturing husband who is gentle and responsible...