
Showing posts from January, 2011


At 5 weeks old, I am beginning to see more and more personality from my little son. So far, Graham is laid back (like his dad), curious, and easily content. He is more social each day. He enjoys hanging out in his swing watching me cook. His eyes now follow me as I walk around doing little chores. He will turn his head when he hears Behn's voice. And I think he's really figuring our how to smile...each day it's a little more distinct. Last night, he even grinned for Aunt Hannah. He's a cuddler, loves to feel near to his mama and daddy, but at the same time usually doesn't mind being put down. He brings us so much joy!

Reflections on a Tragedy

I usually just use this blog to record life events, usually happy ones. I sort of ignore (or internalize) any unhappiness in life. You all don't want to hear about that stuff anyway, right? I don't want to put a damper on the joy of 3 healthy babies being born to our family in the past month. But this week, the danger of Seth's deployment became so much more real to our family, and I can't seem to shake it. And that's a good thing, because it would be wrong for me to be sad and scared for a minute and then pretend everything is ok. As long as Seth, and any troops, are in danger, I want to relentlessly pray against evil. On Wednesday Emily told us there had been some action in the east and to pray. Later that day, we found out the horrible news that 3 soldiers in Seth's company had died. Emily was very upset, understandably, and all of the sudden it seemed to me, in my weak, doubting mind, like everything was out of control. There was a harrowing hour or so where...

2010 in Review

I've been avoiding blogging...I really want Behn to write his thoughts and perspective on the birth of our son, Graham Lee, born 12/15/10. But hardworking Behn has been really busy getting back to work after 2 weeks off and then getting started on the 2nd semester of his Master's Degree. So I thought I'd do a recap of our very eventful year. The winter months of 2010 were fairly uneventful. There was lots of snow. Friends visiting. Cabin fever. I think God used this time to especially work in my heart. I re-read "Stepping Heavenward," one of my favorite books, and spent a lot of time listening to and praising Him through hymns. Spring arrived! We started getting outside more. Over spring break/Easter, we enjoyed a trip to San Diego to visit Lydia, James and Ruby (and I got to see my friend Amber, as well!). In April, we discovered (such a joy!) that God had allowed us to become parents, something we had been praying for. Baby was due in December and we were thril...