Thanksgiving 2010

Being that I am less than a month from my due date(!), Behn and I decided not to travel anywhere for Thanksgiving this year. Instead Behn, Hannah and I had a family meeting to discuss the menu and the three of us made our own little Thanksgiving dinner here in Lexington. I'm pretty proud of us- Thanksgiving dinner can seem a daunting task, but everything turned out pretty good. Really, if the worst thing that happens is that the marshmallows on the sweet potato casserole get burned, that's pretty successful, right? We missed being with our other family members, and especially thought of Seth in Afghanistan and Emily missing him. We did have two friends over. Hannah's friend Tony flew in from Minnesota and Behn invited a co-worker over. The menu: turkey, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, salad, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, and pies. Pretty darn traditional and delicious! Breakfast Sweet Rolls: Putting the turkey in the turkey bag (Yes, used ...