This and That

Today Behn and I discovered the Rockbridge Farmer's Market. There is one on Wednesdays that we cannot go to because we are at work, but there is also one on Saturdays. It's at the Horse Center, and I am so glad to have found it! We bought fresh eggs, kale, and strawberry preserves and next time I think we will purchase some meat. Everything was cheaper and fresher than what you get in the store! A few weeks ago Behn and I climbed Wildcat Mountain in Natural Bridge. It was a great hike. We came upon several fallen trees and as Behn was climbing over one of them, a huge owl flew up from under the tree. It made both of us jump, but upon further inspection, we discovered that it was a mama owl who had been sitting on her nest of eggs. It was amazing to see up close, although of course we did not touch or disturb anything. She did not choose the best spot, since it's right on the trail, but hopefully it will be peaceful enough for her to raise her babies. On another note, Behn a...