What's Been Going On

Kiri and Brian are here for the weekend, and it's snowing. So cozy! The cold, dark days of winter are flying by. It can be rather bleak this time of year, and I am already anxious for spring, but we have so much to be thankful for. Even though we miss being able to spend more time outside, we've been keeping busy with lots of other fun things. Last weekend was my birthday and Behn and I went to Maryland to visit the family. It was a great weekend but all too short. We had a lovely breakfast with Grandma and Grandpa Cathey and Behn and I spent a lot of time catching up with everyone and laughing with them. I love my family so much! Behn and I are also helping out with Navigators, a Bible study for VMI cadets that our church hosts. It's great getting plugged in to our community and spending time doing something other than serving our own interests. It really helps break up the monotony of the work-week to be spiritually boosted on Wednesday nights. Where would we be without C...